NEET: Transforming Engineering Education at MIT

Mechanical Engineering Department
Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)
Digital Innovations & Tools
Active Learning

Associate Dean of Engineering "Anette" Peko Hosoi discusses NEET (New Engineering Education Transformation) an initiative to transform engineering education at MIT. NEET is focused on educating students using the machines and technology of the future. Although MIT students traditionally have strong analytic skills, there is a need for teaching interdisciplinary and practical problem solving skills. NEET’s curriculum is focused on project-based learning and addresses and meets these needs.

In addition, NEET solves the problem of students having to choose their major too soon without enough information or course experience. To remedy this, NEET has designed sophomore classes that cover signal processing, probability, computation, etc. — second year skills that are shared by an array of majors. Thus sophomores are able to delay choosing their major without falling behind.
